Jeff and I had a perfect first Easter together. We headed to POC to see Daddy and Pappa!

Our first married Easter picture!
The First Baptist Church of Port O Connor's Choir. They are truly amazing!
Every Easter Sunday, both of the Baptist churches get together a hold a sunrise service on the beach. It is always so beautiful and peaceful. What a wonderful way to start Easter Sunday!
My Daddy took Jeff, Bandit and Me out on the boat. One of my favorite things in life is a boat ride. It's so relaxing and pretty.
Bandit did great in the boat! He enjoyed all the smells and birds.
We spent a couple of hours at Sunday beach. As you can see, Bandit really enjoyed himself. He ate seashells, tried to get hermit crabs, swam, and made lots of doggie friends!
Bandit, Daddy & Me
What a perfect Easter!